![]() The Parkins family visited from 100 Mile House this summer. This was their first time at the camp and we are pretty sure they will be back! They had so much fun together enjoying all the outdoor activities at the camp, riding the Kettle Valley Steam Railway and visiting the community of Summerland. Elliesia, is eight years old and has Spina bifida. For the first time this summer, her and her family could enjoy a holiday together where Elliesia could participate in EVERYTHING! Elliesia and her sisters wrote a poem and it captures the pure essence and heart of the camp. Enjoy! More photos of the Parkins family adventures are in the article. A is for Accessible, this is what make Agur Lake so special and nice!
Far away from the busyness, it’s a small little niche of paradise. B is for Beaver, where is he hiding? Sometimes he’s hard to find, but not terrifying; Keep on persevering, there’s a prize at the end, so keep on trying! C is for Canoe, out on the lake, it’s so beautiful and clean; Out with my Mommy, I can take in the fantastic scene. D is for Dock, where we can sit and relax; The sun is so warm and the sounds of nature makes me quite lax. E is for Everyone, that means you and me! This is a place with no limits so I can be free! F is for Family, a time to reconnect! So, pull out the board games; Or play Jenga, under the Pavilion or next to the firepit flames. G is for the Gifts we’ve been given. We might not have use of our feet; Our eyes or our voice, but we all have special talents, and that’s pretty sweet! H is for Horseshoes, who will win the next round? Spending time with family, where love abounds. I is for Inspiring, I love the stories you told, Agur Lake will always have a special place in my heart’s hold. J is for Jaunty, ‘cause that’s what those frisky squirrels are, up in their tree; They take all the peanuts held out in my hand, then they quickly flee. K is for Kayak, there’s a whole other world, down under the lake; Now I’m free and I’ve left behind the world’s ache. L is for Lodge or a cabin, presenter, Hütte, לִשְׁכָּה, tutuluyan or losie; Whatever your language, there’s a place for you here, come and see! M is for Moose and her baby calf, swimming and eating the lily pads; And there’s turtles and quail and muskrats too, too many animals for me to add! N is for Nature, we all play a part to keep it pristine and pure; Pick up all trash, don’t you know, that you are the cure. O is for the Outdoors, so much to see, so much to explore, From the playground to the lake, every moment I did adore. P is for Ponderosa Trail, the majestic trees towering so high; Next to them, I’m strong and I’m bold and not at all shy! Q is for Quiet, a time for peace and reflection; And I can work on my pinecone collection! R is for Robin Agur and Bonnar Dowler, who worked through the weather; And because of that, Agur Lake Camp came altogether! S is for Scavenger Hunt, a birdhouse with hearts but where is that marmot, he’s hiding; Let’s look down by the playground, I’m told that’s where he is residing. T is for Trails, so beautifully paved, my wheelchair can fly, like it has wings! With no barriers no hold me back, I can be and do so many things! U is for Ultimate adventure that’s here in this camp; So off I go, thank goodness there’s a ramp! V is for Volunteers, without their kindness and hard work, We wouldn’t be able to enjoy this special perk. W is for Wonderful experience, one we will treasure, We had the time of our lives, filled with fun and pleasure. X is for the spot on the map, where the Agur Lake Camp is; It’s a windy, gravel road, and boy, it sure makes my pop fizz! Y is for Yawn as I gaze at the stars, way up in the skies; “It’s been a great day, meeting new friends”, I think, as I close my eyes. Z is for the Zillion times I want to come back, don’t you agree? To Agur Lake Camp, where you can be you, and I can be me. Comments are closed.
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January 2025